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What about Matthew 28:19?

Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16 and Acts 19:5 PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt what the proper interpretation and application of Jesus’ “Great Commission” of Matthew 28:19 is, as these are documented examples of baptisms which were performed by those who knew precisely the correct mode and formula.

In the first example, Matthew was standing right there when Peter uttered those famous words of Acts 2:38. It is important to keep in mind that Jesus gave Peter the “KEYS” to the kingdom, and that Jesus often spoke in parables to enlighten those “who had ears to hear.”

According to the Bible, MILLIONS have been baptized WRONG! This is just too incredibly unbelievable for many to accept.

EVERYONE who embraces the theory

(that evolved about 200 years AFTER Jesus’ earthly ministry and went on to become the official doctrine of the church of Rome in 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicaea)

known worldwide as the “trinity.”

I hope this challenge will cause people far and wide to STUDY their Bible and dig into Church History to find out for themselves what the Truth in its entirety according to God’s Word “really” is.

SOMEONE HAS TO SAY THIS: Unauthorized changes were made in 325 A.D. when Emperor Constantine and his “scholars” introduced the doctrine of the “trinity” to the world, and established it as the official doctrine of the church of Rome … with the emperor being its head.

This doctrine defines God as being THREE separate and distinct “PERSONS” (plural) who are each coequal, coexistent and coeternal to one another.


**IF** their “God the Father” and “God the Holy Spirit” are SEPARATE PERSONS as they insist, then their “God the Father” would NOT be the Father of the Christ Child according to Matthew 1:18 and Matthew 1:20.

The ONLY distinction in the Godhead I have been able to find in the Bible is SPIRIT and FLESH …

NOT three separate and distinct “PERSONS” functioning as ONE!

God is a SPIRIT (St. John 4:24) and a spirit does NOT have flesh and bones (Luke 24:39).

God is the WORD (St. John 1:1) and the WORD was made flesh (St. John 1:14).

God was manifest (revealed, made known) in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16).

It was NOT the body (flesh) of Jesus Christ that was God, but rather the Spirit of Almighty God that dwelled in the sinless body born of a virgin (St. John 14:10).

As a man (the flesh side – Son), Jesus knew pain, hunger, thirst, etc. As God (the Spirit side – Father), Jesus forgave sins, healed the sick, performed miracles, walked on water, raised the dead, etc.

Because of this “dual nature” which Jesus had, there were times when the FLESH spoke, AND there were times when the SPIRIT of Almighty God spoke. However, the “three persons” theory of Rome has been so successfully indoctrinated that hardly anyone questions it today.

I am a father, a son and a husband. But, none of these TITLES are my name, and I am NOT three different people!

These are separate and distinct positions, roles or offices that I occupy and function in, as ONE PERSON!

At times I speak and function as a father. At times I speak and function as a son. And at times I speak and function as a husband.

Each position, role or office that I occupy has completely separate functions, and completey separate purposes, but there is never any confusion as to how many “persons” I am.

There is a TREMENDOUS difference in ONE PERSON (singular) occupying or functioning in three separate positions, roles or offices (plural), and that of “THREE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT PERSONS” (plural) sharing the glory of the Godhead and functioning as the ONE True God of the Bible.

Furthermore, when I embraced the trinitarian theory myself, I couldn’t Biblically separate their God the Father and God the Holy Ghost and make TWO SPIRITS in order to establish them as two separate “persons” … and I haven’t met another trinitarian who can do it either.

There is much I have to say about this.

You might accuse me of “splitting hairs” about invoking the NAME of Jesus at water baptism, but we are told in Colossians 3:17 that whatsoever we do in WORD or DEED, to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Furthermore, God had a plan for building the ark that was “specific” and essential, and He had a plan for building the tabernacle in the wilderness that was “specific” and essential. I am not aware of either of these plans allowing for any deviation whatsoever.

Likewise, God has a plan for Water Baptism which is “specific” and essential, and I am convinced that the “foot print followers” of Jesus Christ had it right!

The theory that emerged in 325 A.D. Rome can not be found being taught or practiced in any of the New Testament writings, as it is being taught and practiced today by virtually every religious denomination.

However, there are a people who still embrace the Apostles’ One God Monotheistic Doctrine, and who will not compromise concerning it!

 Which do you prefer, Truth or tradition?

 I have absolutely NO malice or animosity in my heart towards trinitarian people.

I know the TRUTH shall remain when everything else has vanished. However, some “die hard” trinitarians VICIOUSLY attack me because I dare question their THEORY of the Godhead and point out its many SERIOUS flaws.

However, every once in a while I run across a person who is really a “seeker of truth,” and who isn’t afraid to lay aside their indoctrination and independently search the Word of God for the “real deal.”

These are the men and women who have the courage to admit error when the Bible does not agree with their theology. Then they gladly make whatever corrections or adjustments that are necessary to be in full compliance with the Apostles’ One God Monotheistic Doctrine. Their love for God and His Word allows them to just get over it and get on with it!

It isn’t hard to PROVE where the trinitarians doctrine originated, when it originated and by whom it originated. Even though most insist that it come directly from the Bible.

But **IF** God was triune or **IF** there was a trinity of THREE separate and distinct co-equal, co-eternal and co-existent PERSONS in the Godhead, certainly the Bible should so state somewhere!

But since the Bible does NOT so state, or give any SPECIFIC authority for such a belief, MILLIONS are told it is a “MYSTERY” which cannot be explained or fully understood, and must be accepted by faith.

You may accept that.

I once did myself.

But there came a time in my life when I needed answers to questions about the trinity and water baptism. And I was not afraid of what I was about to learn when I began to independently search it out!

Most of my own family are trinitarians, and I love them with all my heart.

However, I will not deny or compromise the revelation God has given me through His Holy Word about the Apostles’ “One God – Monotheistic Doctrine.”

I learned a long time ago to speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent.

I recommend you do the same.

I once was a trinitarian, but now I am a One God, Apostolic, Tongue Talking, Holy Roller, Baptized in Jesus name, Born Again, Heaven Bound, Believer in the Liberating Power of Jesus Name, who is NOT ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the POWER of GOD unto SALVATION to EVERY ONE that believeth.

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