What you must do to enter Gods Kingdom

It doesn’t matter how many times you say you’ve accepted Jesus Christ in your life or in your heart or repeated some sinners prayer after someone told you to say it and repeat after me. You’re lost. There’s no once saved always saved formula in the word of God. It...

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History proves that the truth about one God

History proves that the truth about one God was universally preached by the New Testament Church for many years after Christ, until the development of the “trinity” doctrine by the Roman Catholic Church. Encyclopedia International, 1975 Edition, Vol.18, p.226 – The doctrine of the “Trinity” did not form part of...

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God the Eternal Spirit (One Spirit)

God, the eternal Spirit, is “Omni-present” – everywhere at the same time; therefore, His Substance fills the universe. The Holy Spirit cannot be separated from the Father. That which was conceived in the virgin Mary was of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 1:20. The truth becomes evident that the Holy Spirit...

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Development of the “TRINITY” doctrine

History proves that the truth about one God was universally preached by the New Testament Church for many years after Christ, until the development of the “trinity” doctrine by the Roman Catholic Church. Encyclopedia International, 1975 Edition, Vol.18, p.226 – The doctrine of the “Trinity” did not form part of...

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Spirit or Spirits?

When the Holy Ghost came on the day of Pentecost, 120 disciples were filled (including Mary, the mother of Jesus) and began to speak with tongues as the SPIRIT gave them utterance. Acts 2:4. Peter preached that the Holy Ghost was the Spirit of God. As he used the prophecy...

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There is Only One God

There is only one God(not 3 Gods). There never was a “TRINITY” folks. It’s a lie from HELL created and instituted by the RCC. Only One died for you that day and that was Jesus Christ. They did not bury the Father,Son and Holy Ghost that day. They buried ONE...

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Three Gods?

Having trouble getting one of your THREE GODS to talk to you? Wonder why your prayers aren’t answered? Maybe you just don’t know who God is yet? There’s only ONE GOD. He has a name. The name above every name. It’s him I declare to you. That God is “Jesus...

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Jesus is the Father

… Jesus is the Father … “IMAGE of the invisible God” -Col 1:15 “BRIGHTNESS of His glory, and the express IMAGE of His (The Father’s singular) Person” -Heb 1:3 “he that seeth ME seeth Him that SENT Me” -John 12:45 “He that SENT Me is….THE FATHER” -John 8:26,27 “he that...

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