In case you haven’t watched the video on The Chandlers page from Saturday, let me share with you the incredible experience we had!
On the trip to Augusta, GA, we got in a construction area that had no signage or warnings that the road dropped off about a foot or more. We were following the cars in front of us, in the breakdown lane to get off of the upcoming exit. With no idea that the road was now a drop off, the back right tires of the trailer went off of the road!! We realized it when we heard the scraping of the back axle on the highway. 😩
We quickly stopped, called for roadside assistance, with no success and ended up calling our own wrecker. During the 6.5 hours of sitting on the side of the road, stranded, here’s what happened.
A very kind, Christian couple stopped to see what they could do to help. There was nothing they could do, even though he used to make and sell axles! 😳😁 She went to their vehicle and came back with a roll of bills. She said that the Holy Spirit told her to give it to us. She did not know how much was there because the Spirit told her it wasn’t her place to count it. It was ours.
After a few more hours, 2 men in white t-shirts and jeans (angels? 🤷🏼♀️😁) stopped to help and while they were there, a wrecker finally showed up. Together the 3 men got us back on the pavement!
When we paid the 2 men for helping and gave the wrecker worker the fee, the total was exactly the amount that the woman gave us earlier!!!!! There’s no way that could’ve happened without God setting it up! She didn’t know how much she gave us, we didn’t know exactly how much it was going to be and just picked a figure to pay those men.
Thus, another reason I wrote the song, “I don’t know how He does it, but He does!”
Lana Chandler
The Chandlers