As Stephen was facing death, he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God.
(Acts 7:55). This scripture is often taken “literally” by those who wish to use it to support the three “persons” theory even though their third “person” is NOT even mentioned.
It is important to point out that Stephen only prayed to Jesus (not to anyone else) just before he died (regardless of the literal translation many try to give this verse) … which insults a lot of indoctrinated denominationalists today when they encounter those who embrace the Apostles’ One God Monotheistic Doctrine, and who focus such attention on Jesus.
The offense comes because these poor people, who have been so indoctrinated, think that such attention being emphasized on Jesus leaves the Father and the Holy Ghost out, and is, therefore, disrespectful to God.
Thus their label, “Jesus Only.”
I know who Jesus “really” is …
In the Book of Revelation, there was only ONE Throne of God and only ONE who sat on the Throne.
No where does the Bible mention three co-equal “persons” sitting on one Throne …
or each one having their own Throne, which further exposes the error of the trinitarians in trying to understand spiritual things by interpreting the Bible literally.
We know God is invisible.
We know no man has ever seen God.
And we know God is omnipresent throughout the universe … and there is no one beside Him.
Therefore, the right hand of God MUST mean something besides a geographical location.
The term “right hand” does not form a part of another Person or Deity.
It is symbolic of a place of power, authority and acceptance with God.
Just as the left hand of God is symbolic of rejection (Matthew 25:33) … the sheep on the right and the goats on the left. Jesus said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18. Paul said that Christ is the power and the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). Note the following symbolical uses of the term “right hand” as correlated to power and authority:
My right hand hath spanned the heavens. Isaiah 48:13.
The Lord is at the right hand of the poor. Psalms 109:31.
God led Israel by the right hand of Moses. Isaiah 63:12.
The Lord was at David’s right hand. Psalms 16:8.
To give literal meanings to the scriptures like these would suggest that a physical arm came down from the sky to lead Israel, or a physical nose came down and parted the waters in Exodus 15:8. See how ridiculous things can become when trying to make the Bible say what you want it to say, or trying to understand the spiritual by literal interpretations of the scriptures.