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Oneness and Trinitarians do NOT worship the same God

Oneness and Trinitarians do NOT worship the same God…the Trinitarian God is a theory of 3 persons derived from ancient philosophical rules imposed onto the Christian Faith…….the Oneness God is ONE person derived from Orthodox Judaism from which sprang the original Christians and immediate successors.

” That God is One, absoloutly One-One in Essence and in Person-is the corner-stone of true theology”….”we hope to be able to set forth sufficient evidence to warrant the conclusion, that the doctrine to which we refer (the Trinity) may fairly be classed among the CORRUPTIONS of Christianity, as one of the numerous DEPARTURES from “the simplicity that is in Christ.” ”
-Ref: “The Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Christian Church”, 1883, Morning Light Journal, Oxford University

As the Oxford publication states above…, the Trinitarian “God” is a “CORRUPTION” and a “DEPARTURE” from the true Christian Faith…

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