Name of the Son

Since the name of the Son OBVIOUSLY is NOT “the Son”, we can conclude that likewise the name of the Father is NOT “the Father” and that the name of the Holy Spirit is NOT “the Holy Spirit.” Therefore, Mathew 28:19, which commands people to baptize in a name, does not contain a name.

A follow-up question, since there is no name given in Matthew 28:19, could it be that the apostles understood the name to be “Jesus” since they baptized in the name of Jesus in Acts 2:38?

No other name given among men whereby we must be save. Only in the name of JESUS. (Acts 4:12) and
(Luke 24:47) “And that repentance FOR FORGIVNESS OF SINS would be proclaimed in His NAME to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem”. The name JESUS means (The LORD is salvation)


  1. Reply
    Bro Fory says:

    Thank you for the flowers sir. Keep coming back as we update the site with new material that we either write or people contribute to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.Saving the lost is what this is all about. God Bless you.

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