God the Comforter

God is not just a comforter, He is THE Comforter I love that Jesus said He would not just be ‘a comforter’ but that He Himself is The Comforter. Many think that ‘The Comforter’is some other Person than Jesus, but Christ said: ‘I will not leave you comfortless I will...

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The Divorce Question

A sermon by Rev. G.C. Lout, delivered at a recent service in the tent of Apostolic revival at Texas and Allen Avenues.   I will speak to you tonight from two Scriptures which will be found in Matt 5:31-32; 19:3-10; for the foundation of this subject.   One of the...

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“The Fear of the Lord”

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but FOOLS despise wisdom and instruction.”   Did you know that “HELL” was prepared for the devil and his angels? Jesus specifically stated that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. Only a FOOL would chose...

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Jeremiah 6:16

Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. I broke this down for folks. It...

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60 Questions on the Godhead

1. Is the word trinity in the Bible? No. 2. Does the Bible say that there are three persons in the Godhead? No. 3. Does the Bible speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Yes. 4. Do these titles as used in Matthew 28:19 mean that there are three...

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Jesus is God

Jesus is God. (Here is scripture to prove this.) The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all titles.. adjectives describing our ONE God. The name of our Lord is Jesus. He is not schizophrenic. He manifests in three ways. I am a daughter/son, a mother/father and I have a Spirit...

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You have to Change

If you want to truly fight the enemy then obey the Word! You cannot act like the World. You have to change. You have to love people. Do you stay mad? Go to bed mad? Wake up mad? Why is that? You could actually be a child of the King...

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