Catholic Truths and Information

This is information is to all my friends who are in the Catholic belief. Don’t be mad at me, I’m just telling you the truth about Catholicism. I read the whole original King James Bible.Do you know that the Catholic Bible has an illuminati in the front of the Bible,...

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Definition of Catholic:

Any fellowship with the Roman Catholic Church and her daughters (Protestantism) will cause you to be deceived. See below for definition of Catholic and Ecumenical. They are one in the same. Rev 18:4 ¶ And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye...

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Every one of you

Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Matt 16:19. He was to open the door of salvation to the Jews and the Gentiles. Peter preached to the Jews on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2:38 — He told them to “repent, and be baptized everyone of you...

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Scriptural evidence proves there is only One Name for God and that all other alleged Names for God are only titles Jehovah God said concerning His Name “Jehovah” in Exodus 3:15 “This is my name unto all generations . . .” Since God cannot lie it is clear that the...

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Secret History of Papal Rome

The majority of people today, including Roman Catholics do not know about the true bloody history of the Papal Church of Rome. The true history of the Roman Catholic Church has been hidden away from the eyes of the masses, through the re-writing of the history books, so that they...

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Convert Trinitarians with these 2 studies:

1) Trinity Any serious examination of Trinity doctrinal development will yield cause for great concern as to the theory’s authenticity, warranting a severe rebuke to those who blindly support it. I have been recently asked repeatedly why, when faced with scriptural arguments from Trinitarians, do i respond with encyclopedia references....

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••••••THE TRUTH ABOUT•••••• ONE LORD ONE FAITH ONE BAPTISM Ephesians 4:5 Many Biblical Proofs The following scriptures, properly interpreted, give us positive proof that Christ and God are one. It will also, without a doubt, give us the only true plan of Bible salvation ONE LORD Over seven hundred times...

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Water Baptism Study

Water Baptism STUDY — ; BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA 11TH edition, Vol 3, Pg 365-366 The baptismal formula was changed from the name of JESUS CHRIST to the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the second century. ________________________________________ BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol 3, Pg 82 Everywhere in the...

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