When you do not Pray

When you go to sleep at night and do not pray and in the Morning you say your battling with the forces and principalities of darkness of the unseen world. When you claim you’re a prayer warrior. When you know your not more powerful than Jesus Christ. He spent nights...

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Sin Stinks

Covering up the stink of sin. Neutralizers want do it. Cologne want get rid of it Dial soap want do it. What will do it? A good cleaning… Acts 22:16  And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the...

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You have Power

If you believe in Jesus Christ and you have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins you have more “POWER” available than you can possibly imagine. It is a POWER so great that it takes a revelation from God to even begin to comprehend...

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The devil fights Dirty

The fact that he is a dirty fighter, is known by all of us. Without question the devil piles on. One thing doesn’t get through happening until he hits us with something else, he just doesn’t stop. Lost children, finances that are out of control, sickness of all kinds, and...

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The Meaning of the Name

Baptism in Jesus Name “The meaning of ‘in the name” Advocates of the Triune formula of baptism based solely on Mat. 28:19 argue against the Jesus name formula for baptism by saying that ‘in the name of Jesus’ does not mean that the baptizer needs to say the name of...

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Command Mountains

Jesus instructed you to command mountains to move out of your way. But when you are faced with negative reports of sickness and disease, it can be hard to stand on faith and expect healing in your body. How can you take your authority in Christ when authority seems to...

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