Jesus thru the Eyes of John

John the beloved. The closest friend the man Christ Jesus had on this earth. He was at his trial. He was at the cross. He was instructed to care for the Mother of Jesus. It seems John had greater insight to who Jesus really was than the rest of the...

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Refuting the Trinity Doctrine

1. The plural spelling (Elohim) denotes PLENITUDE of majesty and power according to Jewish scholarship. To them, it is unthinkable to use it as plural persons. And, all trinitarian commentators admit it. Further evidence is that moseS, amoS, tituS and jameS also have plural spelling to names, that are not...

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Oneness and Trinitarians

Do Oneness and Trinitarians worship the same God? _____________________________ If the trinity “God” is a non-biblical entity…how can it be said to be a biblical God? “The Christian Bible, including the New Testament, has NO Trinitarian statements or speculations concerning a Trinitarian Deity” -Encyclopedia Britannica The Trinity Theory is NOT...

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Secret History of Papal Rome

The majority of people today, including Roman Catholics do not know about the true bloody history of the Papal Church of Rome. The true history of the Roman Catholic Church has been hidden away from the eyes of the masses, through the re-writing of the history books, so that they...

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The RCC-Roman Catholic Church in these end times will work with the antichrist that will bring the mark of the beast. If you read any Holy Bible in Rev 17 it tells all about the RCC. Even in detail of the scarlet colored & purple robes the arch bishops wear....

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How many of you ignorantly worship the devil on his sabbath. (Halloween) Or believe in superstitions? It’s all in your bible. Does your bible have DUST on it? Do you really read it? Do you have bible and prayer time in your house or do you idolize your television for...

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Christmas is False

Matt 2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. When the Wise men finally found Jesus he...

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It seems the world is getting further away from God as we get closer to the End of Time. It seems like folks would rather disobey God than do the right thing. The old devil, satan himself, the father of lies is blinding folks and desensitizing everyone to what is...

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No Other Name

DO we make too much of “The Name?” I fear we make too little……. The Compound titles of Jehovah that describe Jesus Christ: Psalm 83:18, “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.” Jehovah El’ohim. “Self-Existent, Eternal Creator” •...

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