What you must do to enter Gods Kingdom

It doesn’t matter how many times you say you’ve accepted Jesus Christ in your life or in your heart or repeated some sinners prayer after someone told you to say it and repeat after me. You’re lost. There’s no once saved always saved formula in the word of God. It...

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••••••THE TRUTH ABOUT•••••• ONE LORD ONE FAITH ONE BAPTISM Ephesians 4:5 Many Biblical Proofs The following scriptures, properly interpreted, give us positive proof that Christ and God are one. It will also, without a doubt, give us the only true plan of Bible salvation ONE LORD Over seven hundred times...

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Water Baptism Study

Water Baptism STUDY — ; BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA 11TH edition, Vol 3, Pg 365-366 The baptismal formula was changed from the name of JESUS CHRIST to the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the second century. ________________________________________ BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol 3, Pg 82 Everywhere in the...

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One Baptism

ONE BAPTISM All of the recorded baptisms in the Bible after the Day of Pentecost were done in the name of the “Lord Jesus Christ” Apollos baptized the Ephesians wrong (Acts 18 and 19). Paul came to Ephesus and re-baptized them in the name of the Lord Jesus and they...

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Born Water and Spirit

What must I do to be saved? Truth or tradition? Ephesian 4:5 There is one LORD (Acts 10:36 -Jesus Christ) One faith (The faith once delivered to the early church, said St.Jude) and one baptism (In Jesus name alone; states Acts chapter 2-22 and nearly all of Paul’s letters.) If...

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All New Testament Believers Were Baptized In Jesus Name, After The Gospel Had Come Unto Them. Baptism in Jesus Name, is essential for your salvation. Scriptures concerning New Testament Baptism. Baptism in Jesus Name is a work of God. I will show you my faith by my works. No Baptism...

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