Our Testimony – Bro and Sis Fory

“Brother Wand has a message for me.”

We travel a lot with our business and get to see many places.

I think we’ll start from the time we talked to Bro Andy Wand whom I have known for many years, but had lost contact with him over the years. I had him on my Facebook, because he was one man that I had known was touched by God. I had always wanted to keep up with him through the years.

Sis Fory and I were both lost as a goose on main street, because we didn’t live our life for God.

We were selfishly living for ourselves.

Bro Andy Wand messaged me one day on Facebook. He told me God had a word for him to give me. I told him that we had just finished a route survey to Florida, and we would be taking a load over to that state and that I wasn’t sure when I would have time to visit him. Bro Andy Wand told me, ” It just so happens that I am in Florida, and God has a word for you, come see me.”

We had one of our sons with us moving some oversize loads down to Florida. The weather was nice on the trip, so we decided to camp out, and we had our camping gear with us. I get to the camp, setup, and put the food on the fire. Of course, as a sinner I popped a top on a cold one. I’m on the phone talking to Bro Andy Wand and he says since we are in Florida we might as well come by for a bit and visit. Sister Wand is preparing a nice meal he said. I told him we would if we were close enough, but I would ask my wife and son. Sister Fory and our son weren’t known to just go visit strangers with no notice, so I figured they would turn Bro Wand down. I felt I would be safe in my life as a Sinner, Boy I really didn’t know how well God plans things?

I figured they would say let’s keep rolling towards the house, but as I ask them what they wanted to do they said they were ok with stopping in to visit Bro & Sis Wand, so we did. I was shocked at them both and wondered to myself what had come over these two? Bro Wand said since we are here that we might as well stay the night. I knew that he would be telling us about the Lord, and I was nervous about the situation. I tell him I’ll ask the family and see what everyone wants to do. I knew they wouldn’t want to stay. Was I ever wrong? They said sure, let’s stay. I was thinking to myself ” What is going on here???”

We’re sitting right on a beautiful beach in a nice condo. The scenery was spectacular. God was giving us the works.

We were in Navarre Florida on an island of some sort, it was awesome.  I’ve got a cooler full of brew. I am staying at an evangelist house overnight. Its awkward, to say the least. I even brought my cooler into his house that night instead of leaving it out in the truck. It was full of beer. I kept thinking “I’m definitely not going to get to drink my cold ones tonight”.

As soon as we walk into the house the “Holy Ghost fell all over everyone. I never drank beer after this night. Never even took a beer out of the cooler, carried it all the way home to Louisiana and threw it all away. After that time with Bro Andy Wand, knowing God was using him to reach me and my wife and son, I knew life would be better from that point on by living for God. We all three knew it.

We didn’t lead a life of sin no more; we had experienced something greater than all of that. We all fell under conviction and from that time on we were ready to see the Joy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

From that day forward we started a lifelong adventure in Jesus Christ.

For Two days the glory of God overshadows us all. As we left Bro Wand’s the next day and started heading home, Sis Fory and I spoke about how much we felt changed. The beer that had been in my cooler was dumped in the trash where it belonged. It never touched my lips again, and I am so thankful that God delivered me from it. But we still had another demon that was tormenting us, it was cigarettes and our bodies were still being plagued with the cancer-causing nicotine.

We had a run to Mississippi within a week, and as we started back home to Louisiana, I got a call from Brother Wand asking where we were at? I said we are about to go through Monroe Louisiana, that we had just finished a run to Mississippi.  He said, “No way, that’s where we are going to be.” He invited us to have church with him and Sister Wand that night.  I said we’ll stay then, and we went to a home church where the Holy Ghost fell on everyone again very strong. My wife is slain in the spirit this time.

Mickey Gilly’s cousin walks in and starts playing the keyboard. We have a nice crowd praying, speaking in tongues and touching God tonight. It’s one of those times you don’t want it to end. Praise God!

That night as we headed towards home, we were full of joy. The following Wednesday night I prayed through and received the Holy Ghost, that Cigarette demon was gone. My life was completely turned over to the lord and he instantly took that demon from me and he also delivered Sis Fory from the cigarette Demon and we never touched another one. God is So good!

We get a call for work and must go to Galveston, Tx.

Bro Wand called us again and asked where we were at. We told him we had to go to Galveston, Tx.  and Bro Wand says they are headed to Houston Texas. What’s the odds of that? He invites us to meet up with him again. This time it was at Bro Steve’s house. We stayed for a couple days and we have church. It was such a spirit filled service. Sis Fory received the Holy Ghost. We were having the time of our lives with the Lord. We had a nice crowd of people, and Brother Wand was preaching and playing the guitar.

The homeowners give us the Master bedroom suite. They will not take no for an answer.

They are wonderful Holy Ghost filled people. What a great blessing. We knew God was using Brother Wand in a mighty way. We got a phone call about work, for a load leaving out of Houston, Tx which is where we were at. Brother Wand says, “where are you all heading this time? We start to tell him up north for a load. He stops us and says don’t tell me; I’m not going. We laugh about it and we head to our next job.We all got the infilling of the Holy Ghost (Myself, Sis Fory, and our son) and to this day we continue Brother Wands ministry the best way we can from what he taught us. Praise the name of Jesus Christ.

We lost him in November and will miss him always. I’ll never forget the things he taught me and told me to do. I’m going to keep preaching and teaching “Miracles and Healing” exactly like he said.

Watch out devil because your time is short.

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