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When no one would Help

As many of you know,our ministry is in the streets now.
We are a church without walls.
We don’t have a home church so we give our time and funds to those that are less fortunate. We do these things for Jesus.
I like to share sometimes to inspire others to reach out.
Our brothers and sisters need us.
James 2:15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

The world needs you.
Time is short and we now live In perilous times.
Let’s do all we can to get as many saved as possible before that great and notable day.
This man was walking down the street.
No one would help him.
The Lord put it on my heart to minister to him.
I listened.
He had just been released from jail.
No money.
No Food.
The clothes on his back.
What did we do?
We fed him.
We talked to him about the love of Jesus.
We let him see that someone cared.
We were in tears.
He was sincere and he really needed a helping hand.
I’m sure most folks found him intimidating and a bit scary but he was a teddy bear.
He needed another chance.
He was just in a bad situation now.
We asked him what he needed to do at this point after we fed him.
He just wanted to get home.
We loaded him in the pickup.
Took him to the bus station and bought him a ticket. Gave him a few dollars for something to snack on or a drink and we never seen him again.
We did the right thing.
God has this and we feel great that God chose us for this task.
This is what we do.
Who knows, maybe we will see him again one day. We planted the seed.
Praise God

Bro Fred Fory, Homeless Man

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