Brother William Ince

July 22, 2019 at 4:10 pm
In 1985 I suffered a major heart attack , at the age of 36. It severally damaged 20% of my heart. It was in the left ventricle. In 1992 I had triple by-surgery. It started out to be a double. However, once they got inside, they found a artery, on the back of my heart that was 50% block, and would have caused a massive heart attack that I would not have survived.
In 2001, I had a double by-pass surgery. I lay in ICU at the point of death for 6 days. I couldn’t talk because I had a breathing tube down my throat. When I felt myself becoming afraid, I prayed. God impressed upon my mind that HE hadn’t went anywhere, that HE was right there. After that, knowing that, I was at the point of death, I had no fear. Thank you Jesus.Praise God for HIS Mighty Power!!
In 1997 I had a stroke. In 2005, I had a heart ablation. Between 2001 and now I’ve had 13 stents placed in my heart, 3 stents in my left groin, and 1 in my right groin. I have an ejection fraction of 35%. Praise God, HE has brought me through it all, and continues to lead me through this dark World.
A doctor remarked to me, after I had my first surgery, that it was nice to know about God in this situation. I said Sir, I don’t just know about HIM, I know HIM.
People don’t understand this, but there will come a time in your life when your deep faith in God, is all you have. You’ll either hold on to your faith, or cave in to Satan, and let it go. Keep your faith strong. Don’t wait until you really need it. If by chance your faith is weak, start now and build you faith daily praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude 20. “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,” Jude 20. KJV
Thank you Jesus for your comfort, peace, and strength that you’ve bestowed upon me.

Brother William Ince


  1. Reply
    Fred Fory says:

    Thank you for your testimony Bro Ince. I know you will bless others with your words.God Bless you and your wife.

  2. Reply
    veronica harrow says:

    Thank you for your beautiful story and testimony.

    • Reply
      Bro Fory says:

      And thank you sister. God bless

  3. Reply
    Phillip Mooskey says:

    A great testimony!
    The power of God.

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