Last Words

10 years ago as a very lost trinitarian who only knew a sinners prayer I tried to kill myself after my beloved grandpa died and I lost my family. I said a prayer of repentance before I cut my wrists and swallowed a bottle of pills but the last words of that prayer was IN JESUS NAME.  And He came! He brought help to me as I was taking my last breaths. I was on a vent for four days in the ICU and they did not expect me to make it but Jesus heard me call His name. I woke up still lost and empty and remembered my father preaching Jesus name baptism and the infilling of the Holy Ghost according to John 3 5 and Acts 2 38. I had seen the truth before but didn’t have the need to do it. God broke me to do it. That’s how much He loves me …and you. I realized immediately I had to do this. I ran to the first apostolic church I could find and asked them to baptize me in the only saving name and they did. God filled me with His Spirit in my prayer closet at home and I spoke in a new tongue. I fell to the floor weeping tears of joy as the peace and joy of the Lord poured over me. I am thankful for being broken so God could fix me and make me something better.

Mary Hurst Obeginski


  1. Reply
    Bro Fory says:

    This is an awesome testimony of what God can do when we open our heart to him.

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