All the Fulness by David Campbell is a Thesis on the Godhead written in lay mans language . It is right for the scholar & for the novice a like . That Jesus Christ is God is a central theme of Christianity & the Bible . Colossians 2:9 (KJV) states – “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” You will be captivated by the explanation of this great Bible Truth as you read through the pages of “All the Fulness” by David Campbell . Please allow me to correct an error on the back cover which states that David Campbell was in Scotland for 2 years . David Campbell was actually in Scotland ministering for over 5 years . He and his Family moved to Elgin, Moray, Scotland in the Spring of 1969 & were there until the Fall of 1974 . During this time David Campbell established Calvary Tabernacle Church , built a New Church Building on the Lesmurdie Road & in 1973 wrote this book , “All the Fulness” which was first published in 1975. It is with great honor that his Wife & Son are able to republish this important book in 2017. It is their prayer that you will be blessed by the Revelation that Jesus Christ is God . God manifested Himself as Father in Creation , Son in Redemption & the Holy Ghost in Regeneration . Thank you & God Bless You