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Territorial Spirits?

There are demonic spirits that rule over certain geographical areas. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].

An example would be Bourbon St. in New Orleans, La. Bars line the streets and many times throughout the year human debauchery and evils of all sorts purposely display their evil. When sin is celebrated in a particular area, you can bet that a territorial spirit resides there. Sin opens the door for a spirit to set up dominion.

Another example is a liquor store. God’s word tells us to be sober but here we have a location given to drunkeness. Many who frequent that store are going through divorces, partying, alcoholics, adultery, etc. That location is given to doing the Devils bidding. How many lives have been lost from those who went to the liquor store and never made it back home due to drinking and driving?

Every town usually has an area that has a place where crime, prostitution and drug dealing is known to take place. Poverty, oppression, desperation will be in that area. Individuals controlled by spirits will frequent that area controlled by territorial Spirits. People will be literally drawn to that area to find their need.

Casinos, strip joints, bars, adult video stores, public schools, smoke shops, college and pro stadiums, hospitals, colleges, places of false worship (jehovah witness, mosque, yoga shops, Mormon temples, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism etc) all these are under the influence of territorial spirits.

But what about a local Holy Ghost led assembly? Rev 2 and 3 it states that Jesus was walking amongst the 7 local Apostolic assemblies. There is no indication of any church in the word of God that did not have the Holy Ghost. Therefore, any church that denies the Holy Ghost, Jesus is not there.

You and I must align ourselves with two or three to properly be in a church according to God’s word. Heb 10:25 tells us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves as the manner of some is. Why? because Jesus knows it will take 2 or 3. Now there are some places that say they have the Holy Ghost but they are not led by the Holy Ghost. That is a different article in itself.

Anytime there is a manifestation of an area given over to sin and disobedience to God’s word, that area will have a territorial spirit over that region.

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