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Death Bed Repentance

Do you really believe you can do whatever you want in this present life until that very moment before you take your last breath to get saved?
Do you really believe everyone goes to heaven no matter what they’ve done?
“Death Bed Repentance”
No man can save himself.
You must come through Jesus.
We in America have a delusion that every person who has died is saved.
Not so friends.
Why? Because the bible tells me so.
I know, at least they are in a better place is the common phrase at funerals.
Don’t EVEN kid yourself.
A drunkard, drug addict, thief, whoremonger, extortioner, homosexual, fornicator (pre-marital sex), adultery, one who loves the world, transgender, etc will NOT inherit God’s Kingdom.
Its bible folks.
No such thing as a sinners prayer at age 9 and you’re forever saved.
I have heard preachers preach funerals and say the person accepted Christ at a young age and they are saved.
Here is the problem, the man NEVER repented of his sin.
He was sinning until his last breath.
No death bed repentance exists in God’s word, in the New Testament.
Better rightly divide the Word of truth. The repentant thief on the cross was under old testament law.

The New Testament DOES NOT start with Matthew 1:1,
it begins with the death of the TESTATOR (Jesus Christ).
There is no sinners prayer in the BIBLE.
Jesus said EXCEPT YE REPENT ye shall ALL likewise parish.

Whoever told you to say the sinners prayer and you’re saved has LIED to you.

Repent means to stop habitual sinning.
The bible is crystal clear. Jesus said except ye be born of the WATER and the Spirit you CANNOT enter the Kingdom. You and I must accept this as fact and truth.
This means you must be baptized both in water and spirit.
It is a salvation requirement.
This nullifies an individual who lived their whole life as a sinner and on their death bed accepted Christ.
You and I have one life to live and then the judgement.
You cannot pray anyone out of Hell and purgatory is a figment of the imagination.

This is the plan of salvation without question.
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The word remission means pardon and forgiveness.
Better be buried with Jesus through baptism for the forgiveness of your sins.
This isn’t Baptist theology.
This is a fact.
It’s God’s word.
Refute it, cuss me whatever. You will do it at your own peril.

Better turn off that TD Jakes, Paula White, Joel Olsteen, Joyce Meyers and all the rest of those false teachers.
They are NOT saved according to scripture.
You’re telling me a 90 year old can’t get saved?
Absolutely not, but if they want to be saved they better Repent, be baptized in The name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins and receive the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues.
Don’t be high minded. Don’t try to make provisions.
Except a man be born of water and spirit he cannot see the Kingdom.
Baptism is a must and it must be accomplished in The Name of Jesus Christ.

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