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Catholic Truths and Information

This is information is to all my friends who are in the Catholic belief.

Don’t be mad at me, I’m just telling you the truth about Catholicism.
I read the whole original King James Bible.Do you know that the Catholic Bible has an illuminati in the front of the Bible, illuminati means satanic.There are lots of false doctrine in the Catholic belief. One. Don’t bow unto images made by man which is written in the 10 commandments. There are lots of graven images inside the Catholic Churches in the Philippines and other countries. According to the 10 commandments, don’t bow to a graven image made by man.Two, don’t pray to Mary like Hail Mary full of grace in the rosary. Mary is a human being which instrument by God to give birth to our Saviour Jesus Christ. Mary needs a Saviour too.She is already dead and cannot hear prayer only Jesus can hear prayer because Jesus is still alive.Three,there’s no Purgatory , only Heaven and Hell. We cannot light a candle and pray for the dead person to bring them to heaven. We are doing our choice path here on earth wether bad or good when still alive. As we are still living we need to be faithful serving the Lord so that we not afraid to die because we have Jesus in our heart.Four, we don’t have infant Baptism . Jesus Christ when He still a baby He was dedicated to God was baptized by John the Baptist in Jordan river by immersion not sprinkling .Five, don’t pray to rosary with memorize prayer and keep on repeating words. Jesus made us a model on how to pray by heart like Our Father.These are the false doctrine of the Catholic religion. Do you know that there is white Pope and black Pope?The white Pope is the good one and the black Pope is the bad one. The black Pope is bad Pope who make the nun pregnant and have an abortion and buried under the ground.The Pope today will be the last Pope and will bring one world religion to the New World Order.Christians let’s continue pray for every one of us and remain faithful until Jesus Christ will come. Jesus is coming soon. Praise the Lord! Halleluiah !

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