Mary wasn’t a virgin anymore

Mary wasn’t a virgin anymore. Mary had four other sons, Joseph, James, Jude, and Simon. Because of the virgin birth, Joseph was not the father of Jesus so these were the half brothers of Jesus. (The Holy Ghost fathered Jesus.) The last three mentioned are not to be confused with...

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A Trinitarian Concept

A trinitarian concept contends that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one in holiness, love, glory, wisdom and eternal power; but, three “persons. No Scripture can be found to support such a concept. Note the following: His holiness (not their holiness)- Psalms 47:8 His love (not their love) –...

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Development of the “TRINITY” doctrine

History proves that the truth about one God was universally preached by the New Testament Church for many years after Christ, until the development of the “trinity” doctrine by the Roman Catholic Church. Encyclopedia International, 1975 Edition, Vol.18, p.226 – The doctrine of the “Trinity” did not form part of...

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Catholic Truths and Information

This is information is to all my friends who are in the Catholic belief. Don’t be mad at me, I’m just telling you the truth about Catholicism. I read the whole original King James Bible.Do you know that the Catholic Bible has an illuminati in the front of the Bible,...

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Definition of Catholic:

Any fellowship with the Roman Catholic Church and her daughters (Protestantism) will cause you to be deceived. See below for definition of Catholic and Ecumenical. They are one in the same. Rev 18:4 ¶ And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye...

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Secret History of Papal Rome

The majority of people today, including Roman Catholics do not know about the true bloody history of the Papal Church of Rome. The true history of the Roman Catholic Church has been hidden away from the eyes of the masses, through the re-writing of the history books, so that they...

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Death Bed Repentance

Do you really believe you can do whatever you want in this present life until that very moment before you take your last breath to get saved? Do you really believe everyone goes to heaven no matter what they’ve done? “Death Bed Repentance” No man can save himself. You must...

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History Proves

History also proves that the truth about one God was universally preached by the New Testament Church for many years after Christ, until the development of the “trinity” doctrine by the Roman Catholic Church. Encyclopedia International, 1975 Edition, Vol.18, p.226 – The doctrine of the “Trinity” did not form part...

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