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Oneness and Trinitarians

Do Oneness and Trinitarians

worship the same God?


If the trinity “God” is a non-biblical entity…how can it be said to be a biblical God?

“The Christian Bible, including the New Testament, has NO Trinitarian statements or speculations concerning a Trinitarian Deity”

-Encyclopedia Britannica

The Trinity Theory is NOT a Biblical doctrine.

“The Doctrine of the Trinity itself, however, is NOT a Biblical doctrine…”

-Emil Brunner, 1949, Westminister Press, “The Christian Doctrine of God”

“The doctrine of the trinity, as a statement of what God is, in Himself, CANNOT be justified on the basis of scripture.”

-Dr. M. Burrows, professor Yale Divinity School

“The doctrine (Trinity) is NOT found in it’s fully developed form in the scriptures. Modern Theology does NOT seek to find it in the O.T..

-New International Encyclopedia, vol23, pg477

“The doctrine of the Trinity is a POST-SCRIPTURAL attempt to bring coherent expression diverse affirmations about God”

-Academic International Encyclopedia, pg 300

The Bible does NOT know a trinity and neither did it’s writers.

“To Jesus and Paul the Doctrine of the Trinity was apparently NEVER known.

They say NOTHING about it.”

-E. Washburn Hopkins, Professor,

Yale University

“The doctrine of the Trinity did NOT form part of the Apostles’ preaching as this (preaching) is reported in the New Testament.”

-Encyclopedia International, vol18, pg226

“Today Scholars generally AGREE that there is NO doctrine of the Trinity as such in either the O.T. or the N.T.. It would go far BEYOND the intention and thought-forms of the O.T. to suppose that a late fourth-century or thirteenth-century Christian doctrine can be found there. Likewise, the N.T. does NOT contain an explicit doctrine of the Trinity.”

-Encyclopedia of Catholicism, pgs564-565

“There is the recognition on the part of exegetes and Biblical theologians….that one should NOT speak of Trinitarianism in the New Testament without serious qualification….New Testament exegesis is now accepted as having shown, that NOT ONLY the verbal idiom, but EVEN the patterns of thought characteristic of the patristic (Church Fathers) and concilian (Church councils) development would have been QUITE FOREIGN to the mind and culture of the New Testament writers.”

-New Catholic Encyclopedia

As a matter of fact,…there is NOT ONE trinitarian proof text found within the lids of Holy Bible…….NOT ONE…..

” But many doctrines are accepted by evangelicals as being clearly taught in the scripture for which there are NO proof texts. The doctrine of the Trinity furnishes the best example of this. It is fair to say that the Bible does NOT clearly teach the doctrine of the trinity. In fact, there is NOT ONE proof text….”

-Dr. Charles C. Ryrie, Trinitarian,

Professor, Dallas Theological Seminary,

“Basic Theology”, pg89

“….it (Trinity) is NOT taught clearly or explicitly taught ANYWHERE in the Scripture….There really is NO explicit statement of the doctrine of the Trinity in the Bible,….It is UNLIKELY that ANY TEXT of Scripture can be shown to teach the doctrine of the Trinity in a clear, direct, and unmistakable fashion.”

-God in Three Persons, M.J. Erickson,

Research Professor of Theology,

S.W. Baptist Theological Seminary

“The language of the Trinity Doctrine is the language of the ancient Church, taken NOT from the Bible, but from classical Greek philosophy….The doctrine of the Trinity is NOT found in the Bible.”

-S. Guthrie Jr., Christian Doctrine, pgs76-77,80

The trinity wasn’t even beginning to be developed until the late 2nd century…

“The doctrine (trinity) developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies.”

-Encyclopedia Britannica

“It is IMPOSSIBLE to document what we now call Orthodoxy (The Trinity) in the first TWO CENTURIES of Christianity”

-Dr. Harold Brown, Trinitarian Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary

Ref: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the History of the Church

“The early church always baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus until development of Trinity doctrine in the 2nd century.”


And…the trinity theory was not finished being developed until the late 4th Century, with revisions in the 5th and later centuries.

” It MUST also be conceded by Trinitarians that the Doctrine of the Trinity, as now believed in, DID NOT find general acknowledgment until the 4th Century….”

-Ref: Morning Light Journal, vol. 7, 3/10/1883,

Oxford University

“The Trinitarian Dogma is in the last analysis, a late 4th century invention.”

-New Catholic Encyclopedia

“The full development of trinitarianism took place in the West, in the scholasticism of the Middle Ages, when an explanation was undertaken in terms of philosophy and psychology, especially of the recovered Aristotelianism of the 13th century.”

-Encyclopedia Americana, vol 27, pgs 27-28

Furthermore, the “eternally generated Son” theory produced by Origen in the 3rd century was rejected by both Oneness and Proto-Trinitarians of his day.

“No theologian in the first three Christian centuries was a trinitarian in the sense of a believing that the one God is tripersonal, containing equally divine “persons”, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

-Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

“He (Origen) is the first theologian to state unequivocally that the “three hypostases” which constitute the Trinity are eternal not only in nature, but in their hypostatic character; there was never a time when wisdom was the latent thought of the Father and had not yet come forth as speech.”

-Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Now that we have proven from reputable sources that the trinity theory is an extra-biblical construct…i will adress the subject of excommunication…

Proto-Trinitarian leaders were ALWAYS refused fellowship by seated Bishops of the Church.

-Ref: Hippolytus, Turtullian, Justin, etc…

The 4 major contributors to the trinity theory were excommunicated by seated bishops of their day, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM…!

-Ref: Bernard, Schaff

1) Novatian

2) Hippolytus

3) Turtullian

4) Origen

I now have a question for trinitarians..:

Would God have revealed the truth about Himself to a group of 2nd and 3rd century excommunicated heretics?

Would it be more likely that God revealed the truth about Himself to His chosen disciples and then those truths be handed down through the scriptures to the Apostles’ students?

“The Modalists were the successors to the Apostles, NOT the Trinitarians. The Trinitarians expropriated the term “Catholic” (Universal) from the writings of Ignatius. When they increased in power and numbers they branded the Modalists, who preached one God, as Heretics and styled their group as Catholic.”

-Dr. Friedrich Loofs, Trinitarian Historian, Professor at the University of Halle

Ref: The History of the Primative Church

“Modalistic Monarchianism”, was once, “embraced by the vast majority of ALL Christians.”

-Professor Adolph Harnack, Halle University

Ref: “History of Dogma”

Trinitarians want Oneness to believe that they worship the same God…but Trinitarians worship a God in pluriform monotheism which is a totally different classification of belief than Christian Monotheism.

The trinity theory is similar to polytheism because it is a theocrasias from the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mystery traditions.

As with it’s predecessors from which it is influenced, the trinity doctrine is classified as a type of pluriform monotheism and not a true monotheistic religion at all.

“It is evident that Trinitarian speculation greatly resembles the way of thinking of pluriform monotheism.”

-Encyclopedia Britannica

Pluriform Monotheism Defined:

“three gods are combined and treated as a single being addressed as singular. In this way the spiritual force of Egyptian religion shows a direct link with Christian (Trinitarian) theology.”

(Morenz, S. Egyptian Religion. Cornell: University Press; 1973:254-257)

Over 50 times, scripture calls YHWH “The Holy One”,…Trinitarians believe that YHWH is a “Holy Trinity”…

The trinity doctrine is Antinomian.

-Ref: Deut 6:4, Gal 3:20, Heb 1:3,

Zech 14:9, Mal 2:10, Mark 12:32,

Rom 3:30, Js 2:19, etc…etc…etc..

Over 50 times scripture calls God “Holy One”, NEVER does it refer to God as “Holy Two” or “Holy Three”.

As shown above, many scriptures teach that “God is One”. But absoloutly ZERO passages say “God is three”.

Oneness and Trinitarians do NOT worship the same God…the Trinitarian God is a theory of 3 persons derived from ancient philosophical rules imposed onto the Christian Faith…….the Oneness God is ONE person derived from Orthodox Judaism from which sprang the original Christians and immediate successors.

” That God is One, absoloutly One-One in Essence and in Person-is the corner-stone of true theology”….”we hope to be able to set forth sufficient evidence to warrant the conclusion, that the doctrine to which we refer (the Trinity) may fairly be classed among the CORRUPTIONS of Christianity, as one of the numerous DEPARTURES from “the simplicity that is in Christ.” ”

-Ref: “The Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Christian Church”, 1883, Morning Light Journal, Oxford University

As the Oxford publication states above…, the Trinitarian “God” is a “CORRUPTION” and a “DEPARTURE” from the true Christian Faith…

What’s the real difference between Oneness and Trinity believers?

I believe the answer is clear.

Trinitarians worship the “God” of excommunicated heretics, a 4th century “God” that BEGAN to be invented in the late 2nd century.

Oneness believers are worshipping an eternal God, who revealed Himself in Jesus Christ during the 1st Century. Oneness believers follow The God of the Apostles.

Trinitarians should listen to the Apostles’ advise, like Oneness folks have…!

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:”

-Col 2:8-10

Mark August

writing for

Academy of Christian

Theological Studies

A.C.T.S. Think-Tank

“Bridging the Gap Between

Oneness and Trinitarianism”

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